Outdoor garden furniture has to withstand all kinds of weather conditions, including frost, snow, rain and sun. The fact that Teak & Garden only uses materials of the highest quality already helps to keep maintenance requirements to a minimum.
Generally, wickerwork and stainless steel just need occasional cleaning with soft soap and water to keep them in great condition. Sometimes, however, minor surface flaws or residue of salt or chemicals on stainless steel can trap dirt, create stains or allow deposits to form. In this case, extra cleaning with the EP Stainless Steel Cleaner is recommended.
Teak is an extremely solid wood that needs no extra protection. Weather exposure will gradually turn the surface colour to a soft silver-grey, but this has no adverse effects on the strength and durability of the furniture. Teak & Garden does advise cleaning the furniture every year with Teak Wonder 1&2. If you would prefer to retain the original golden brown colour of the wood then, use Teak Sealer 3 (waterbased) or Teak Wonder 3 (oil based) after cleaning
However if you prefer the silver patina colour but do want to protect teak from dirt and stains, use the dirt- and water-repellent Teak Patina 4 after cleaning it with strongly diluted Teak Cleaner & Brightener 1&2. Cleans the wood and restores the colour of weathered teak.
Teak Seler 3 or Teak Wonder 3
Ensures that teak retains its original golden-brown colour and can be applied to teak that is new or recently cleaned using a dust-free cloth.
Teak Patina 4
Transparent and repels dirt and water stains and preserves the silver-grey patina of weathered teak.
Easy Scrub
Provides a thorough, scratch-free cleaning to teak surfaces. Easy Scrub gives the best results when used together with Teak Wonder 1&2.
Generally, wickerwork and stainless steel just need occasional cleaning with soft soap and water to keep them in great condition. Sometimes, however, minor surface flaws or residue of salt or chemicals on stainless steel can trap dirt, create stains or allow deposits to form. In this case, extra cleaning with the EP Stainless Steel Cleaner is recommended.
Teak is an extremely solid wood that needs no extra protection. Weather exposure will gradually turn the surface colour to a soft silver-grey, but this has no adverse effects on the strength and durability of the furniture. Teak & Garden does advise cleaning the furniture every year with Teak Wonder 1&2. If you would prefer to retain the original golden brown colour of the wood then, use Teak Sealer 3 (waterbased) or Teak Wonder 3 (oil based) after cleaning
However if you prefer the silver patina colour but do want to protect teak from dirt and stains, use the dirt- and water-repellent Teak Patina 4 after cleaning it with strongly diluted Teak Cleaner & Brightener 1&2. Cleans the wood and restores the colour of weathered teak.
Teak Seler 3 or Teak Wonder 3
Ensures that teak retains its original golden-brown colour and can be applied to teak that is new or recently cleaned using a dust-free cloth.
Teak Patina 4
Transparent and repels dirt and water stains and preserves the silver-grey patina of weathered teak.
Easy Scrub
Provides a thorough, scratch-free cleaning to teak surfaces. Easy Scrub gives the best results when used together with Teak Wonder 1&2.

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